I know these collections of toddler activities here and here are favorites. So many people come to the blog for those lists of toddler activities. The winter season can mean a lot of indoor time with the kids. I know how hard that can be with four kids of my own. This list of winter boredom busters for toddlers is a great collection to keep handy all winter long.
It will help you put together quick activities for your toddler on the days when playing outside is not an option.
Toddlers love being able to move, touching everything. Hands on activities that allow for gross motor movement are great! Get the wiggles out and fine tune those fine motor and cognitive skills with these fun winter activities for toddlers.
Winter Activities for Toddlers
Get kids tossing and moving with this indoor snowball toss game. It is so easy to set up!
Indoor camping for kids is so cute and fun for them. Check out the DIY campfire idea.
This homemade felt board that sticks on the fridge is a great play activity for toddlers. We even turned ours into a winter theme here. It keeps the kiddos busy and you can get some things done!
So many hands-on crafts for toddlers can be turned into holiday gifts! Here are over 20 activity ideas. The hand print ornament or handprint Santa are some favorites that can be easily given as gifts for Christmas.
Make these fun photo building blocks ahead of time and pull them out for some indoor building time.
These jumbo building blocks can be made from gift boxes and shoe boxes. My kids loved these so much!
Collect some “noise making” items like kitchen utensils, Christmas bells, or toy instruments. Put them in a treasure basket for music making.
This sensory crawl/walk is great for burning energy.
Make some DIY toy people.
This DIY sensory discovery box is great for toddlers too!
Read books! We have a big list of winter books for kids that we still read today. Here are a few faves from over the years linked from Amazon.
This list gives you some good inspiration for pulling in some fun, new activities for your toddler. Being stuck indoors can be tough during the winter months. These winter boredom busters for toddlers will keep things fun.
Get your free printable checklist to feel successful each day – especially these winter days where we are staying indoors more.
What are your favorite activities from this list of winter boredom busters for toddlers? Have you tried them with your child yet?
