So many women have motherhood in common. Yet, we often complete the work of being a mom alone most of the time. We carry our babies until birth. We raise them to be good humans. Many moms are parenting in tandem with dads, but not everyone has a good motherhood support network.
Most moms nowadays are working so hard to complete personal goals and family goals that social time is at a minimum. One thing I know from building community with other moms is that it feeds the soul.
The time spent building connections with moms in the same season of life is life-giving.
I do believe there are some seasons of parenting that shift our focus. I am in a season of my family needing so much of my time that they are my main social group. Shuttling the kids to activities, taking family trips, and homework time all require my awareness and attention.
We moms need community in all seasons of life. If your life schedule does not leave large open windows to socialize and build community where you are, it is time to explore WeMoms.
This post is sponsored by WeMoms. All opinions are my own. Please view my disclosure here.
Moms of babies gain so much from knowing you are not alone in the season of having a tiny constant cling-on. From topics like baby’s health and well-being to baby crying and baby colic, engaging with other moms in an online format can help you gain encouragement.
WeMoms is a convenient and accessible way to share together as moms.
During those early years, I had so many questions! Being a new mom is challenging. There is so much advice out there. We each have to find our way in the midst of it all.
I took in the advice and determined what would work for our parenting goals. From questions I had about baby’s development and growth to communication and sign language for babies, hearing what other moms do is always helpful.
We can get over-loaded on advice. All babies are slightly different when it comes to sleep habits, eating habits, personality and interactions. Always weigh information with what you know in your gut about your baby.
All of us benefit from a great mom community in our lives. As a military spouse, my mom network shifts often. Many of my closest friends live long distance. Being able to stay in touch and communicate online helps me stay grounded and encouraged.
WeMoms is a platform for seeking that out whether you are a new mom or an experienced mom.
WeMoms has launched in the US! It has been the largest community of moms in Europe. WeMoms is a 100% free app. It is available in the US in the iOS store or Google Play Stores. Check it out for community in motherhood.
You are invited to join our private Facebook group, Stay-at-Home Moms Share Together too. Build community where you are.
>>>Read more about building a community of moms in your local area here.<<<
What are your favorite ways to meet other moms, gain and give encouragement, and build community as you care for your children? Comment with ideas that have helped you so other moms can benefit too.