by Jaimi Erickson | Feb 25, 2015 | quick tip
Welcome, friends! If you subscribe to my newsletter I told you all about this fun new addition to the blog-the Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop! I am thrilled to be a co-host along with 11 beautiful ladies to bring you a really nice variety of ideas each week linked up by...
by Jaimi Erickson | Dec 1, 2014 | activities
I love sharing activities that are super easy, really frugal, and perfect for different ages. Many of us have children in different ages and stages, so finding activities that they all can do together-for any length of time-is very helpful. It is so fun watching all...
by Jaimi Erickson | Dec 1, 2014 | activities
Getting enough time to play outside is essential to my children maintaining positive behavior…and let’s be honest, it helps my behavior too! This indoor hopscotch game (made from a yoga mat) is a reusable activity that helps kids move to burn energy even...
by Jaimi Erickson | Feb 26, 2014 | activities
Whether you live in a snowy climate or not, these simple winter time activities for kids will allow children to explore art, math, and sharing (if siblings or a playdate is involved)! We had a lot of snow one winter when we lived in northern Virginia! My son’s...
by Jaimi Erickson | Feb 14, 2014 | activities
We had a lot of snow last year in northern Virginia allowing for some snowy fun outdoors, but if you live in a snow-free area (like we do now in southern California), use cotton balls to learn and create with these cotton ball snowball math and art activities for some...