Toddlers Learn One-to-One Correspondence

Toddlers Learn One-to-One Correspondence

Pom poms and an egg carton become a fine motor exercise that helps toddlers learn one-to-one correspondence. This is an essential skill that teaches children to point to one symbol at a time while saying what it is. You have probably seen your child count while...
How to Teach Toddlers Colors

How to Teach Toddlers Colors

This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own. Please view my disclosure. The confusion about how to teach toddlers colors is officially over! There is so much conflicting opinion about whether to teach toddlers or whether to just sit back and watch them play. My...
Back to School Fun for Toddlers

Back to School Fun for Toddlers

I know, toddlers don’t really go to “school”. Back to school fun for toddlers means they play and learn, and interact with mom and dad to learn life lessons. Toddlers are able to soak up so much learning! They get excited to explore new activities and places. That...