Skeleton Anatomy Activity for Kids

Skeleton Anatomy Activity for Kids

This post contains affiliate links. Please see my disclosure. Children are often more eager to explore and learn when the learning is about them. This skeleton anatomy activity uses your child’s own image and two free printables to help them understand how the...
Infant Activities for Autumn

Infant Activities for Autumn

This post contains affiliate links. Please see my disclosure. I have rounded up some fall-themed infant activities. It can be hard to get crafty with the littlest ones, but this list will allow some seasonal exploration. Only do what you know your infant can handle...
Spin-Off Activities: No Lesson Plan Required

Spin-Off Activities: No Lesson Plan Required

How can one activity spring off into multiple others? It happens a lot in our house! It’s exciting to follow the interests of our children to expand their learning. First, we had dyed egg shells when were did the dying egg shells activity. When I was cleaning up our...
Hanger Scale DIY Toy

Hanger Scale DIY Toy

  Helping children explore the scientific method, creating conversations about weight and numbers, and doing it all inexpensively is a lesson worth teaching. Whether you homeschool or supplement your child’s learning at home, this DIY toy scale made out of a...