Cotton Ball Toddler Fine Motor Activity

Cotton Ball Toddler Fine Motor Activity

Kids love cotton balls. They are so versatile as a hands-on fine motor and sensory activity. I grabbed some cotton balls for a cotton ball fine motor activity for my twins. The twins were so little! I can’t believe how fast time really does fly. This activity counts...
Tissue Paper Toddler Activity

Tissue Paper Toddler Activity

This tissue paper toddler activity is so good for a day when you are stuck inside! It can be used multiple times throughout the day, and my toddlers were so excited to see the tissue paper more than once. Tissue paper is a pretty perfect toddler plaything. It...
Fun Discovery for Sidewalk Chalk Art

Fun Discovery for Sidewalk Chalk Art

Do you have a child who LOVES art? I have a 4 year old like this. She lives for creating! She learns best through art projects. (I am so glad I discovered this because we were butting heads, she and I, for a time while trying to do some homeschool preschool lessons.)...