Winter Boredom Busters for Toddlers

I know these collections of toddler activities here and here are favorites. So many people come to the blog for those lists of toddler activities. The winter season can mean a lot of indoor time with the kids. I know how hard that can be with four kids of my own. This...
Winter Boredom Busters for Preschool

Winter Boredom Busters for Preschool

Preschoolers need a lot of active time each day. When stuck inside during the winter months we moms need some help with planning in fun winter boredom busters for preschool kids. The good news is most hands-on activities will get your preschooler interested right...
Yarn Pictures Art Activity: 100 Days of Play

Yarn Pictures Art Activity: 100 Days of Play

Yarn pictures art activity for kids is a simple exploration of abstract art and a fine motor exercise. This is a fun summer indoor activity. It is also good practice using glue! Included is a book recommendation that inspired this creative art project for kids. Yarn...
Color Sorting and Learning Activity

Color Sorting and Learning Activity

Color sorting and learning color names is one of the first skills we teach our toddlers. It was one of the first activities I created for my oldest way back when he was my only child. I loved being able to teach him at home. He thought we were spending quality time...