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Easter and Spring themed preschool counting activity using supplies from the dollar aisle to create a simple learning activity for preschool kids to learn number order and counting skills.

This Preschool Counting Activity uses items from the dollar aisle or Dollar Store. Do you love the dollar aisle? I am always searching for items that I can turn into simple, fun and unique learning activities for the kids. The inexpensive part is a must, so I search these discount aisles and bins first to maximize our budget while also making the most of my time at home with my children.

As a former preschool teacher I can’t help but get a little creative with learning activities for my preschooler and toddlers. They always want to learn together, so adapting activities for both age groups happens a lot in my house. It can be done.

You only need 4 supplies to create these Chick Feather Counting Cups that are a fun preschool counting activity for learning numbers and number order.

Preschool Counting Activity: Chick Feather Counting Cups


Easter theme cups or plain paper cups

number stickers or marker

craft sticks (optional)

feathers (you need 55)

hot glue or tape


Make It:

I numbered the cups 1-10 with the stickers. (You could use a marker to write a number on each cup.)

Chick feather counting cups-preschool counting activity with an Easter and Spring theme all made with supplies from the dollar aisle.

Then I glued one feather onto each craft stick. I had enough feathers so that we can count and place feathers in each cup.

The popsicle sticks give the feathers some weight and make it a little easier for smaller hands and fingers to place the feathers into the cups. (They are completely optional, so if you don’t have them, no worries. You could cut feather shapes out of paper or just use the popsicle sticks on their own too.)

Line up the cups in number order for younger ones, or for older children, put the cups in the wrong order to challenge your child to arrange them.

Count and place the feathers into the ‘chick cups’ so each “chick” has the correct amount of feathers as listed on the cup.

If you can’t find cups with a chick image or theme on them, use plain cups and add a chick sticker. The chick idea is really cute with the feathers. The feathers add a sensory aspect to this preschool counting activity as well as making it more tactile.

A preschool counting activity using chicks and feathers for a tactile and sensory counting activity for kids just in time for Spring!

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