Spring spelling words and activity with free printable spelling word lists.

My oldest is always game for a new learning activity. The other morning he started talking about some CVC rhyming words. I asked him how to spell the words he was saying. This got me thinking about a spring and Easter spelling game to make a hands-on spelling activity. The free printable spring word lists make this easy to set up.

This activity is a fun one for practicing a bit more complex spelling with Easter words for early elementary school age children. It is a build-a-word game that fits right in with a Spring and Easter theme.

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Here is what you need:

-free printable word lists:  Easter words list or Spring words list
lined paper or scrap paper

Print out two copies of each word list so you have one copy for the guide and one to cut out into letter cards.

1.) Print out 2 copies of the Spring words or the Easter words list by clicking on the images below. (One copy will be the guide. One copy will be the letter cards. You are welcome to print 2 copies of each list if you would like to use both.)

Free printable Spring spelling words to use with a hands-on game shared by The Stay-at-Home Mom Survival Guide.   Free printable Easter spelling words to use with a hands-on game shared by The Stay-at-Home Mom Survival Guide.

2.) Cut out each word from one sheet. (Keep the other copy intact as the guide.)

Cut out the words from one of the spring spelling lists.
3.) Cut apart all of the letters of each word. Repeat this step for each word.
Spring spelling game cards with letters cut apart.
When all of the words have been cut apart, your child can begin.Spring spelling words free printable activity all set up.

I placed the guide paper in a plastic sleeve. It was arranged on the table with the cut out letters. I then explained to my kids that they match the letters to the words on the guide. We read through each word first.
Read through each word on the spelling game printable guide.
Then he can open it up and try to build the word using the guide. If your child is older, you can eliminate the guide to make this activity more challenging.Matching the spring spelling words to the guide to spell the spring and easter spelling words.

Use the free printables as a spelling guide for this spring activity for school age kids.

Your child opens an egg, spells the word, self-checks using the guide, reads the word, then writes the word on the lined paper. The writing part is for first grade and up. It helps with handwriting practice and memory. That is it! Fun, simple and a nice way to use all those plastic eggs to make this Easter spelling game hands-on.First and second graders can write the words on a separate sheet of lined paper for more spelling practice.

I store the letters in a ziploc baggie right in the plastic sleeve with the guide. Then it can all slip into a file cabinet or bin to be used again.

Easy storage for the spring and easter spelling game.

Try this Easter craft: Tissue Paper Easter Eggs. Another fun hands-on Easter activity.
Easter spelling words free printable for hands-on spelling activity for kids.
Spring spelling words with free printable pages to use as a guide and letter cards for hands-on spelling.

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Enjoy your Spring fun with your child.