Kids nature mural art for outdoor play, fine motor practice and multiple age groups.

Summer time means getting creative to help the kids make use of the wide open days at home. Kids nature mural art for outdoor play and fine motor skills is super easy to set up and perfect for all ages to do together.

I love the relaxed schedule of summer break. I like that my kids get to experience it too. They need breaks as much as we moms do.

As much as I am a fan of structured learning activities after my experience teaching and homeschooling, I do appreciate a great open-ended activity for kids to explore.

Kids nature mural art is exactly this!

Kids Nature Mural Art for Outdoor Play and Fine Motor Skills

Children continiue to fine tune their fine motor skills even into the teen years. When I watch even my 11 year old cut his food, fine motor skills take time to get right.

Activities that challenge children of all ages to use their finger tips to press and hold are great for fine motor skill development.

My four kids took turns finding fallen flowers, leaves, twigs and grass to press onto our nature mural. The trick is contact paper.

Here is how we did it.


Contact paper (about a 4 foot long piece or so)

Masking tape

Flower petals, leaves, sticks, grass, etc.

How to make kids nature mural art

Kids nature mural art for outdoor play, fine motor practice and multiple age groups.

Step 1 is to tear two-inch long pieces of masking tape. You will need at least four. If it is windy where you are tear a few more pieces.

Kids nature mural art for outdoor play, fine motor practice and multiple age groups.

Step 2 is to start peeling the backing off of the contact paper piece. Do this in stages. First peel the backing from a corner. Keep the sticky side out as you tape the corner to a fence or wall to start securing it.

Kids nature mural art for outdoor play, fine motor practice and multiple age groups.

Step 3 is to continue peeling the backing and taping the corners of the contact paper to your surface. We taped it to our backyard fence.

Kids nature mural art for outdoor play, fine motor practice and multiple age groups.

Step 4: Have the kids gather fallen flowers or other plant material laying around in your yard or the park. This is a great activity for a group playdate with friends too!

Kids nature mural art for outdoor play, fine motor practice and multiple age groups.

Step 5: As the kids gather their outdoor finds for the kids nature mural art, they can stick the items right to the contact paper. You may have to show younger ones how to do this.

This was a fun afternoon activity for the kids. They were running around the backyard looking for plant material and getting some fine motor and art exploration at the same time.

More outdoor play time ideas for kids:

Simple outdoor games

Playground ideas

Gardening with kids

Infant activities outdoors

What are your favorite outdoor explorations for your children? Share your ideas in the comments.

Kids nature mural art for outdoor play, fine motor practice and multiple age groups.