Although I didn’t know it when we first met years ago, a new neighbor would become my dear friend. When she first welcomed us into the neighborhood, she had her sixth baby in her arms. I was a new mom learning to wrangle my first toddler. How to make really great friends as a mom can feel challenging.
It is our main role to care for the kids. Their schedule, their goals, and we facilitate and make it happen. That does not leave a lot of time for our own friendships.
My friend and I were separated by about seven years in age. Her personality was humble and relaxed. I needed to learn to become those things. There was something drawing me to her. That was the thread that always kept us reuniting over the years.
She was the first to encourage me to start up a neighborhood playgroup. Our community did not have a solid social network at the time.
People waved as they walked or ran by your house, but there was not a strong connection between neighbors. I craved that connection.
Our playgroup was the catalyst for growing a great friend group. Playgroup have a way of bringing moms together and help you make the really great friends as a mom.
My new neighbor lived a couple doors down. She already had school-aged kids, so we were in slightly different seasons of life, but there was still something about her that kept us connected.
Although, as a military spouse, I move and have to make new friends every few years, these lessons translate to life as we near the end of our military time. The great friendships last over the years and miles. >>>Read the rest over on Spouselink<<<
>>>Then, get your copy of How to Host a Playdate to kick off a new group in your area. It is the step I take at each new place to make really good friends as a mom.<<<
