I received a copy of the book Mom Connection, and one to giveaway to a reader, in exchange for my honest review. My opinions are my own.

Find balance in motherhood and relationships. Book review of Mom Connection.

Balance in motherhood is my goal every day. Motherhood can feel like “twirling 100 hula hoops” and moving in “endless circles”. I think we can all relate to that visual!

The goal of finding balance motherhood, according to Tracey Bianchi, author of the book Mom Connection: Creating Vibrant Relationships in the Midst of Motherhood, is to embrace our own personal rhythm and that of our families.

We need to find the balance in our lives that will allow us to be the mothers and women we need to be.

Tracey, a mother of three, who is also a writer, takes us through a great process of self-discovery to recognize that we are not alone in facing challenges in this motherhood role. She sheds light on her life as a busy mom with intimate details about her experiences as a woman, mother, wife and daughter. You will laugh while reading this book!

Some moms, as Tracey mentions in her book Mom Connection, find their rhythm with ease, or at least others perceive it that way.
We are devoted to our role as a mother and give all that we have to being the best at it understanding that it will evolve as a part of our lives over time. We will always be a mother, but how much of our time needs to be devoted to that role will change as our children grow.
Ecclesiastes 3:1, as mentioned in Bianchi’s book, states (to paraphrase) we need to embrace today what we need to do now.
Throw aside that which does not need our attention today so that we may devote all that we have to our most immediate challenge. Set aside the expectation that we can do it all today.
Admit that there are challenges to being a mother, a woman, a wife and embrace them. Find your balance to best meet the demands of each. We can do it!
I appreciate very much the message within Mom Connection. We must pick and choose what is of utmost importance today.
Our family is important. Relationships are important. We need to find balance in motherhood.
As moms who read this blog, you value connection with others and your role as a mother. We need to build relationships for self and for community.
Tracey suggests that we move beyond mom competition and bond over the imperfections that occur in this lifestyle. I think it is also important to reach beyond what goes wrong so that we can encourage each other to be better, prioritize to best meet the needs of our families (that includes us), and share our rhythm with others which is Bianchi’s third point.
We all need help. Ask for it and give it. Community starts with two people. Make the connection with another mom so you can give that mom support and you in turn can gain support from her.
Mom Connection can be more than a casual read, it can be a workbook for self-reflection.

You can respond to two short questions at the end of each chapter to further dive into finding your rhythm, but if you don’t have time for that, then just read it! One of the BEST parts of the book is the section at the end of each chapter with resources for further exploration on all topics related to being a mom.
I will be reading a couple of books mentioned for further study (and further posts).
There are also some great tips in these end-of-chapter sections like the Christmas Card Prayer Box. Store Christmas cards you received in a box and pull one out each night to pray for the person who sent it. I love this idea! For those who ‘Like’ this blog on Facebook, you know I love passing along ‘Quick Tips,’ so there was one courtesy of Ms. Bianchi!
Another ‘Quick Tip’ for your SAHM tool box is to join a MOPS group. I was given the opportunity to review Mom Connection by MOPS International, Inc. (a.k.a. Mothers of Preschoolers). MOPS is a great program in which you can connect with a community of moms. I am a former, and future, MOPS mom. If you have not attended MOPS before I would encourage you to search for a group in your area.

A final thought to show the value of reading Tracey Bianchi’s book is from the “Five Mom-Tested Tips” list at the end of chapter 4 on page 69:

                “Ask God to give you the guts to fully live into who [H]e created you to be.”
That takes balance, that takes a strong family, and that takes rhythm. Find balance in relationships.

If you’d like to win a copy of Mom Connection leave a comment here about how you work to find balance or rhythm in your life. I will share your suggestions on Facebook and we will vote on the most helpful tip…the one with the most helpful tip wins the book! 

What is one way you find balance in motherhood?
Find balance in motherhood and relationships.

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