Want to feel more successful as a mom? Not getting things crossed off the to do list? Try this tip to see what you DO accomplish each day!
I have had people actually ask me the question, “What do you do all day as a stay-at-home mom?”  Some days I can’t even answer.  I start to work on a task, then the phone rings, someone spits up or needs a diaper change, spills something on the newly mopped floors, or gets into the exact cupboard that I just asked them to not touch.  Fires, fires, fires, all for me to put out. The distraction from the work that I see on my to do list can make me wonder how to feel like a successful mom when I am not crossing things off my list.
I am a task-oriented person.  I have to accomplish things (most days) to feel successful…I love crossing things off of a to-do list, but it can be really challenging to get specific things accomplished with children needing me in unpredictable ways every day.  I always have some to do list staring at me with things that need my attention. It can be hard to feel like a successful mom.

Wondering how to feel like a successful mom?

I have a tip for you.

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Quick Tips for Moms: Make A "Done" List for feeling accomplished on the busy days of being a mom.

I finally got a little fed up with not getting to the end of my to-do list enough days and feeling like I could never answer specifically what fills up my days at a stay-at-home-mom. I do not want to say, “I don’t know,” and have people falsely think that being home with kids is not worth it. I want to know how to feel like a successful mom every day!

I know being a stay-at-home mom is worth my time for many reasons, but I want to feel accomplished as well.

I came up with this idea to list what I did all day. I wanted to satisfy my need for accomplishment, and make sure I had an answer for those that really were clueless to how a child or children can keep a mom busy all day. (Of course it was more like: child, husband, dog, house, bills, finances, self, cars…)

How to Make a Done List

Starting from when you get up in the morning, jot down everything you do.  Just make a list of everything that has been done by you during the day.

You may have a lot of ‘changed diaper’, ‘cleaned such-and-such’, but you will get a more visual representation of all of the little tasks that pop up during your day.  You will realize how much you actually do get done, even if your to-do list never gets shorter. The list will show you how to feel like a successful mom because it will be clear what all you really do accomplish all day!

I love having this list handy when my husband calls or comes home and asks what I did today. It is nice to have something productive to say. I would appreciate knowing that my spouse was being “productive” if I were the bread winner gone all day working outside of the home.

Give it a try. Make your ‘Done List’ for today and really see what it is that you DO all day. (May even be nice for when you think you are not spending the time on the ‘right’ things…I know I could use a little less Facebook time some days.) This idea has helped me figure out how to feel like a successful mom, so I hope it can be helpful for you too.

 A quick tip-so simple-to feel more accomplished and successful as a mom or stay-at-home mom.

This post is featured in A Complete Guide for Stay-at-Home Moms: Homemaking Tips.
To view the whole Guide, click here.

Routines and Schedule ideas for stay-at-home moms. If you need to try to find a schedule or new routine, this resource has so many printables to help!

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