I don't every give up on my job as a mom. I don't ever give up on my kids, my family, on motherhood. You don't have to either. You can do this!

The role of motherhood has been pushed, pulled, and changed so much over the last 40 years or so that many of us wonder if we are doing it right or wrong.


The way the world defines motherhood is still changing today. Mothers need to know they are important and that a mother’s presence is vitally important in the lives of her children.


Recently, my pastor at church presented a message that fit perfectly with how we operate as moms. He mentioned that when we go to church to learn, we can choose to leave the sanctuary and go about our day never changing who we are, or we can be motivated to take what is taught and apply it to our lives.


When we need encouragement that we are doing the right thing by spending out days with tantrums, the never-ending laundry loads, and cleaning tasks we can leave here feeling energized to keep going or enlightened to adjust to make it better.


We all have experiences that shape what we think and choose. God provides us with the Grace to make mistakes, share opinions, and receive opinions knowing that everything and everyone in this world can teach us something.


I have to admit, when I first started writing the blog (or SAHMSG as we call it for short) back in September 2011, I was an overwhelmed mom.

My family and I had just moved to a new state. My newest baby was challenging me in ways I did not expect. I had to rely on more than myself to get through.

Although this blog did not bring me to my belief in God, it has deepened my faith.

I could not hold back from sharing how God truly motivates me to be a better wife, better mother and better friend every day.


Many days I fail.


Many days you help me since I know you are all out there trying your best and looking to connect with other moms as I am.

I had no idea what I was getting into when I started this little place for moms to gather and connect.


The reality is that having a home-based business as a mom is not easy. On the days when I want to post, but can’t fit it in due to the needs of my kids, I wonder if I am cut out to balance it all.


We stay-at-home moms need support, encouragement, and community. That does not mean moms who work part time or full time are not welcome here. You are all welcome!


I hope above all this blog can be that catalyst for learning. Learning that what we do each day as SAHMs is important in the lives of our families, and the world.


Sweeping up crumbs, vacuuming floors, and scrubbing toilets is an act of love. Teaching discipline to our children, navigating the waters of healthy marriage, and maintaining our strength and abilities to do all of this, are needed.


Come to this blog to read, share, question, and above all, to leave feeling like you can do it.


You can be the mother your children need you to be, because no one else on the Earth has been made like you. Don’t give up!


We can’t just choose the easy route and expect there to be no consequences. We work in the trenches of life. We care for others first, we teach them to care for themselves, and through it all, we teach our families to love others.


We reflect God to our families.


God doesn’t decide that he can’t do it; that he can’t deal with us all day long. He sticks with us, guides us, disciplines us, loves us. We do that every day for our families.


My 5 year old has been asking about God lately. He has asked “Where is God? Why can’t I see Him?”


My husband and I answer first, “God is in Heaven.” Then when pressed again about why he can’t see God I answer, “You see Him in how we treat each other. When you love someone else, you show them God and it is God that helps you love others, do nice things and help others make good choices. When I teach you to be patient, that is God. When I teach you to talk to others in a nice way, that is God.”


I know their will be more questions as my children grow older. By always being there for my family, always recognizing that I can attempt to care for them each day-even when I may feel I need some care from lack of sleep or emotional stress-I am allowing my children to see God working through me.


I don’t ever give up on them.


Thank you for joining this community of moms. 


I think of SAHMSG and its accompanying social media pages as a group of all of us. I get to learn from you too. I am most thankful that we have moms in all stages of motherhood. Many with young ones just getting to experience the infant stage, many of us with toddlers, preschoolers, or elementary-aged children and then the moms with teens, and moms who are now grand-moms.


As a SAHM, you do the most precious work that a woman can do. You raise children. You are influencing the world.


We don’t need paychecks and vacation days or bonuses and company cars to know we are working and we are contributing to our families.


You all have a story to share and experiences that can help others. I appreciate all you do for your families. I am trying to do it too.


Being a stay-at-home mom matters.

A weekly series of motivation for moms brought to you by stay at home mom bloggers at The Stay-at-Home Mom Survival Guide.

What motivates you to never give up on motherhood?


I don't every give up on my job as a mom. I don't ever give up on my kids, my family, on motherhood. You don't have to either. You can do this!

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