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Make this easy DIY car wash toy for kids who love playing with toy cars.
For any child who is a car lover, the imagination is limitless about where the cars drive and what they do. My son used to think cars got cold and needed a blanket…in his imagination, of course! He acted out the Cars movie (and Cars 2) while watching. This boy has loved them since he was 13 months old, and they are still not old yet. He is amazing at creating play scenarios, and we happened to get an idea after watching a PBS cartoon one morning: We made a simple DIY car wash toy! Here is what you need and how we did it.

DIY Car Wash Toy for Kids from a Cardboard box and supplies you have at home from The Stay-at-Home-Mom Survival Guide.
What you need:
– small cardboard box
-tape (whatever type you have)
-a combination of pipe cleaners, yarn, scrap fabric, construction paper, balloons, and/or straws
Use what you have. You do not need to use all of these items, unless you want to!


How we made the DIY Car Wash Toy

I trimmed the pipe cleaners so they would fit taped to the underside of the ‘roof’ of the car wash and bent about an inch of the end to be able to tape them on to the box.


We went with white pipe cleaners for the soap shooting down, red felt strips as the spongy scrubbers, blue construction paper as the rinse water, and the balloons as the dryers (straws would work great here as well).


All the pieces are taped or glued to the top of the box on the underside as you see in the picture.
DIY Car Wash toy for kids using scrap fabric, pipe cleaners and balloons.
I wrote ‘Entrance’ and ‘Exit’ on the ends with arrows, so we know which way the cars need to drive in to the wash. (Good Preschool exposure to print.)
This DIY car wash toy will definitely add a level of creativity to your child’s play.


Do you have a car-lover in your house?
Make this easy DIY car wash toy for kids who love playing with toy cars.
Check out more preschool DIY activities here. For more car-themed activities, click here to check out the list Kids Activities Blog put together.


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Make a Homemade puzzle out of play dough
Simple learning activity for toddlers using stickers.