As the mother of a son, I am not only raising a boy, I am teaching a boy to become a man, a husband and even a father.

Considering my role as the mother of a son, every day I set an example. I am not only sharing with him how he is loved. When my sons see my interactions with my husband, I am defining an example of a wife.  I got to thinking…


Why is it that when women get together we often complain or joke about our husbands?

I have on occasion been with a group of friends and taken part in this little, “Can you believe what he did/does?” conversation. I have shared a story or two. It is always one of those moments where the ‘filter’ fails and my mouth moves faster than my brain.

In the end I wish I could hit rewind. I thought about what my participation in this sort of sharing might set as an example for my son (and of course my daughter too).

If I love my husband, I should want to lift him up, not tear him down.

How does it feel as a man, as a husband, to be belittled by your wife? 


What does this example teach my son?


That men are loved and respected or that they are a joke.


My guess is that it feels just as bad as if I as a wife were publicly ridiculed by my husband. It would feel not very nice.


In that moment, my mind replayed my own rants about clothes not making it into the hamper or my husband not reading my mind when I was upset. (No one can read minds, why would I expect that he possessed that power?)


Sometimes I am very petty and not a very good wife. I have asked God, and will continue to ask, for forgiveness for this.  I set an example in my home of how a wife acts.


Sometimes I set a good example and many times I have not.

As the mother of a son, there is great responsibility on my shoulders. I must raise my sons to become men while considering that they might one day become husbands. Maybe one day down the road they will become fathers as well. (Way down the road!)

Yet, my sons are my little boys today. I have a husband to help me in this so the weight is on his shoulders as well to set an example of what a man, husband and father can be.


I want my sons to expect respect, consideration, love, patience, and support.


I want my sons to learn that these qualities are what make a good wife. I don’t want my son to expect ridicule or belittling.


I want my son to marry a woman who loves and respects him. That requires him to learn to love and respect as well.


What we learn to expect of ourselves  is what we learn to look for in others.


I must display these traits to my husband. I certainly will not always agree with him but, we can keep our disagreements within our home and not share them out in public. Disagreements happen, and when resolved through respectful means are healthy-we don’t hide them from our children.


Love is patient, kind and humble.


I do not need to belittle my husband or brag about him. God chose him for me. I want that to be taught to my children.  (Like I said, I am working on it!)


As the mother of a son, I must show how a wife can respect and be kind to a husband. My husband in turn must show how to respect and love a wife-like Christ loved the Church. He died for the church, so that level of love is worth working towards and maintaining!


Right now I have two little boys, but I am raising men.

As the mother of a son, the lessons for the future must be taught today. I must change myself to set a better example…as a wife and as the mother of a son.

As the mother of a son, how do you think you are setting an example to benefit your son?

As the mother of a son, I am not only raising a boy, I am teaching a boy to become a man, a husband and even a father.

This post is featured in A Complete Guide for Stay-at-Home Moms: When You Need to Work on Your Marriage. View all of the encouraging articles with marriage tips HERE.

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