Crabbie Masters books series to teach preschoolers self discipline and emotional control.

Toddlers and preschoolers need a lot of boundaries and guidance. They learn so much so quickly. Their emotions can cloud their thinking. Teaching our children how to handle their emotions and be self-disciplined can seem tricky. This collection of activities for encouraging positive behavior in preschoolers will help.

I love when actual preschool teachers develop curriculum. The author of a fantastic curriculum for encouraging preschoolers to learn self-discipline and personal responsibility actually runs her own preschool and is the teacher too!

Activities that Encourage Positive Behavior

Crabbie Masters is a complete preschool curriculum. It is very accessible for teaching preschool at home or for preschool teachers working in a classroom setting. 

I was first introduced to the Crabbie Masters program 10 years ago. I have shared a bit about it here on the blog before. Now, Crabbie Masters is even more useful for parents!

The creator of the Crabbie Masters program of activities for encouraging positive behavior in preschoolers is Ms Becky Undlin.  She has expanded her excellent preschool learning to create a set of books and lessons to teach preschoolers life skills.

Becky is a family friend. I can vouch for her passion, knowledge and commitment to empowering preschoolers. She has helped parents realize how important this developmental stage is in the lives of children.

Curriculum, Books and Free Downloads

These activities teach preschoolers life lessons at a level they can understand.

From overcoming negative emotions that makes kids act out, to conquering the temptation to eat junk over healthy food, Crabbie Masters is built around encouraging preschoolers to learn positive behavior.

There is so much we teach our children every day. We are teaching life lessons with our example.

>>>READ MORE about how moms are the family’s compass of values here.<<<

Excellent preschool learning with the Crabbie Masters book series that includes activities for encouraging positive behavior in preschoolers.

Crabbie Masters Books and Curriculum

The Crabbie Masters curriculum is easy for parents to use. You can teach your children to be more self-disciplined and responsible with the books, activities and lessons included.

The book set is an essential companion to any preschool at home curriculum.

When we send our kiddos to school or begin to homeschool them, self-discipline is a key part of their success. Learning requires focus. Focus requires self-discipline. That all requires a child to be well fed, healthy, well rested, and learn to be emotionally aware.

Crabbie Masters books teach children positive proactive life skills.

Crabbie Masters teaches children to sense when their behaviors are not positive. Then, through fun cartoon characters, the child can assign an identity to their emotions. This makes emotions seem more tangible. They can be focused on and worked through.

The book set with colorful engaging illustrations for preschool learning.
Crabbie Masters cartoon books for preschoolers teach excellent preschool learning.

The Crabbie Masters program teaches children to not identify as their emotions, but to see them as something they can control. I love that message!

Books as a teaching tool for children are so effective for instilling learning. Reading to children makes them feel loved, helps them learn life skills, and helps them grasp big emotional concepts in easy to relate ways.

Free downloads for teaching preschoolers life skills with the Crabbie Masters program.

How to Use Crabbie Masters

In the Crabbie Masters system, you have access to free downloads and a quality book series. Click here to access all the downloadable resources. What you will find in the downloads:

  • Free to download behavior charts.
  • Mini books to learn about each crabbie.
  • Coloring pages to engage children in identifying the Crabbies.
  • Certificates to celebrate beating the Crabbies.
  • Puppets for dramatic play.

The books really are the foundation of the program. (The essential part of this program!) The books bring the Crabbies to life and help children identify and name emotions.

>>>Read more about the books on the Crabbies Masters blog.<<<

Testimonies from Parents and Children

Parents whose children have gone through the Crabbie Masters program have very positive feedback to share. Read testimonies from former and current parents of preschoolers who learned with the Crabbie Masters program.

“Children are comforted when their adult caregivers can help them understand why they are having difficult emotions or “falling apart” and have ways to help them feel better about themselves.

The CrabbieMasters books give parents straightforward, systematic strategies using characters and concepts that children can relate to. By reading these together, children and parents develop a shared language, and children are also able to learn from the pages […].”

The books foster positive emotions, playful interactions and effective problem-solving.”

Joe Molinari, MS, Licensed Clinical Social Work Therapist

“As a psychologist and mother of two children, one of whom has ADHD and sensory processing disorder,

I’m often on the lookout for books that teach children how to recognize and manage their emotions effectively. The CrabbieMasters series has become an important part of my children’s emotional development.”

-Laura Sherr, PhD, Licensed Psychologist

“We can’t say enough good things about the CrabbieMasters program and would recommend it to all

other parents!”

Mike & Tiffany O’Rourke, Current Preschool Parents

Preschoolers can have a tough time understanding emotions due to their developmental stage. Helping them learn about emotions is a big step towards encouraging positive behavior in preschoolers.

How to Teach the Crabbie Masters Program

  1. Read a Crabbies Masters book to your child.
  2. Download the corresponding printable coloring sheet. Your child can color it to reinforce what they heard in the story.
  3. Share the behavior chart for the Crabbie your child will be working to beat. Choose one per week so children do not get overwhelmed.
  4. Display the chart. Have your child add a sticker when they are showing the positive behavior.
  5. Print off the certificate when your child has completed the chart.
  6. Do something fun together like a relationship building activity or a special event to further encourage your child’s celebration of their achievement.
  7. Repeat with the next Crabbie Masters book.

The Crabbie Masters Program is a complete preschool curriculum for learning how to be self-disciplined and positive. Work it in to the preschool at home curriculum program I have outlined here. They work hand in hand as activities for encouraging positive behavior in preschoolers.

How do you teach and reward your preschooler for positive behavior?  What has worked best for your child?

Excellent preschool learning starts with curriculum like Crabbie Masters. The activities encourage positive behavior in preschoolers with free downloads and books.