Building a strong family connection can take some intentional work. Regular family conversation is a great way to grow both as individuals and as a family unit. These family conversation starters will get you building or furthering those connections.
<<Be sure to grab the free printable family conversation starter cards when you subscribe for free too!>>
Having conversations about a wide array of topics can really help family members get to know each other. This is how we form strong bonds as thoughts are shared.
Sometimes we just get stuck though, or you may not be good at conversations. Here are some ideas to help you out.
Why Family Conversations Are Important
Emotional connection is important in healthy relationships.
Feeling truly heard, knowing that we have a safe place to share how we feel about everything.
Being intentional about asking questions shows that we truly want to know a person.
Family conversations help develop emotional awareness. Helping children learn to identify, name and articulate those feelings.
It helps build conversational skills that will be important.
Fostering Honesty and Healthy Relationships
Sometimes, answers might offend, or put us on defense.
But, if we want honest communication, and real emotional connection, it is important to accept answers that might hurt us.
Instead of being defensive, try coming at it with curiosity.
“I’m curious, what makes you say that?” said with curiosity vs accusation or judgment goes much further to really get to the heart of a matter.
Remember that you want to show that you value their experience and views, even if you do not necessarily agree. Active listening (So, you feel abc when I xyz?) is big in making people feel heard.
In the moment, just be open to what they are saying, and later you can address how that view may not be Biblical, polite, etc and help them better understand a topic from a Biblical worldview.
I have phrased some of the questions with potential to sting us in “I feel” language, which is important for building emotional intimacy in a healthy way. It is not accusatory, but simply states how we are feeling.

How to Use These Family Conversation Starters
These topics range from silly and frivolous, to some pretty deep topics, be sure to mix it up and do some of each.
I would encourage you to not shy away from being intentional about conversations with very young ones, and don’t fear going deep with them either.
It may be over their heads, but you would be surprised at home much even very young children can pick up on.
A great way to build vocabulary, if they do not yet know a word, stop and talk about it.
These are just ideas, do not feel like you only should ask these questions. Listen and follow up with your own ideas related to answers given.

<<<Get a printable set of family conversation starter cards for free. Keep them at the dinner table or in the car for easy to use conversation starters.>>>
Getting to Know You Family Conversations
- My favorite color is…and it makes me feel…
- What is your favorite food and why?
- How do you like to wake up in the morning?
- What was the best part of today?
- My perfect day looks like….
- What are you most looking forward to?
- I am not looking forward to…
- ____ makes me smile..
- The dessert I like most is…
- My least favorite food is…because…
- I take care of myself by…
- My favorite hobby is…
- The shirt I like most is…
- My favorite animal is…because…
- I like to hear the sound of …because it makes me…
- My favorite smell is….it makes me think of…
- A song I could listen to all of the time is…
- My favorite place is…
- What are your pet peeves/what annoys you?
- When I go outside I like to…
- My favorite season of the year is…because…
- My first memory is of…
- What is the best part of school?
- The best breakfast is…
- What is your favorite game?
- If I were stranded on an island, I would want these three things with me…
- The weirdest dream I’ve ever had was…
- My favorite musical instrument is…
- A country that I would like to visit is…because…
- If I could have one super power, it would be…
- How did you help someone today?
- What does love mean to you?
- A word that describes me is…
Deeper Family Conversations
- I feel loved when you…
- You make me feel special when…
- What makes you feel appreciated?
- I feel heard when you…
- When did you last laugh and what did you laugh at?
- I feel unheard when…
- Have I ever made you sad?
- I feel ignored when…
- Am I resting enough?
- I am most grateful for…
- Do I take care of my body by eating well?
- I feel like you understand me when…
- How are my relationships with my friends?
- I love it when you…
- When was the last time that you cried and why?
- I don’t like it when you…
- The last mistake I made was…
- I want to get better at…
- Is it easy to trust people?
- Am I teachable?
- What does it mean to make a promise?
- Have you ever broken a promise? Why?
- Do I make a lot of promises that I cannot keep?
- I was kind today when I…
- Today, I felt angry when…
- When I am stressed I…
- Something that scares me is…
- I have never been more scared than when…
- Something that I never thought I would do but did was…
- When did I last thank someone? What did they do?
- Something that has really helped me lately is…
- ___ recently taught me that…
- Something that challenges me is…
- I think ___ is beautiful because it….
- A personal goal that I have for this year is…
- When I am sad I…
- I want to learn how to…
- What makes someone a good friend is…
- Something that really frustrates me is…
- I feel that I am not good at…
- Something people don’t know about me is…
- I wish more people would…
- If I could change one thing about the world, it would be…
- Do you like alone time or time with friends better?
- The worst thing that happened to me was…and I learned…
- I want people to say ____ about me.
- What are you most proud of?
- I want to be remembered for…
- What is the best book that you (or we) have read?
- Of everything you have learned, what do you think will be most useful as an adult?
- A bad habit I would like to change is…
- I would like to build the habit of…
- Who has had the greatest impact on your life?
- A time I don’t want to forget is…
Faith Family Conversations
- What do you think about Jesus?
- What is prayer?
- Being a Christian means…
- My favorite name/attribute of God is…
- The fruit of the spirit that I see most in you is…
- I feel we need to work on this fruit of the spirit…
- Have you ever placed your faith or trusted in something more than God?
- My favorite book of the Bible is…
- The Bible verse that I like most is…
- Have you ever praised a person for something that God did?
- Am I enjoying prayer time?
- Do I only ask God for things when I pray?
- Am I doing my work as worship to God or just because I have to?
- When did I last tell someone about Jesus?
- The armor of God that I need to put on most these days is…
- Can I change the word ‘love’ in 1 Corinthians 13 to my name (Rachel is patient, kind, etc)?
- Do I always want to be first in everything?
- Am I spending time reading the Bible and praying?
- If someone did not know me, would they see Jesus in me?
- Do the choices I make bring me closer to God or take me away from God?
- How has the love of Jesus changed me?
- My favorite way to study the Bible is…
- The last thing that I prayed for was…
- I am so glad that God…
- A question I would love to ask God is…
- My favorite part about church is…
- Today at church I learned…
- I love it when we sing ___ at church because…
- My favorite Bible story is ___ because…
- How can I trust God more?
Conversations About Our Family
- Our family motto should be…
- A rule we have in our family that makes sense is…
- A rule that we have in our family that doesn’t make sense to me is…
- We can glorify God as a family by…
- A ministry we can support as a family is…
- Three goals for our family this year…
- We should ____ more as a family.
- The best thing about our family is…
- As a family, we could ___ better.
- A fun thing we should do this season is…
- My favorite family tradition is…
- We can make our family stronger by…
- If I could make a rule for our family it would be…

I hope that these have helped you with some ideas of family conversations you can draw your family in with to grow together.
Get your set of 30 free printable conversation starter cards. Download them, print them and use them on road trips, family dinners or during family game nights. The printable cards keep great conversations at your fingertips.
You can use them throughout the day, at the dinner table, just hanging out, or at bedtime. Find what works for your family.

Robbi Bittle is a Christ following wife and homeschool mom of 5 (soon to be 6). She is passionate about homemaking and natural living. You can connect with her on her blog, Facebook page, Instagram profile, and keep an eye out for the Timeless Mama Podcast.