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Every October is a reminder of what I lost. I know miscarriage is not the same as going through infertility, but there is an overlap of emotions. When you can’t get pregnant, it resonates as a loss. My loss stays with me forever. An October does not go by without the memory of my due date that never was. I can understand the deflated emotions of infertility even if I have not experienced the journey.
I was eager to read the story of Jade Barrett’s journey with infertility. Her book The Good News Is You Don’t Have Endometriosis is a candid testimony of the struggles, emotions and steps of Jade’s journey enduring infertility.

A good friend of mine went through fertility treatments a few years ago. The needle sticks, doctor visits and month-by-month reduced expectations is a weight that some women can relate to and others can learn to empathize with.
Women Who Experience Infertility
I have always reminded myself on the hard days of being a mom that many women would love to be in my shoes and cannot. The women who desperately desire to hold a little baby in their arms are a reminder that being a mom is truly a gift.
The Good News Is You Don’t Have Endometriosis is a cutting, direct, no holds barred exposé of the lessons learned when you can’t get pregnant. You are warned that Jade tells it like it is with occasional harsh language.
The emotions are raw and real. The depth of detail that Jade uses to share her experiences – both good and bad – makes you feel her emotions through her words.
The Good News Is You Don’t Have Endometriosis
Jade Barrett wrote the book as a guide for other women experiencing a similar journey when you can’t get pregnant. Seeking medical intervention for fertility is a very humbling experience. If you want to know the lessons learned from someone who has been there, this book is for you.
If you want to gain some insights and develop a whole lot of empathy for women traveling this road, you will gain that in this book.
There is a clear warning in the intro of the book that Jade’s story is not sugar coated. She is feisty and passionate about her approach.
“No one is prepared to be diagnosed with infertility…”
(p. 8)
“…infertility is one of the most complex and emotional experiences…”
(p. 13)
Seeking therapy is a way to say – out loud – what you are thinking and feeling about the process. Jade recommends getting that out.

When You Can’t Pregnant: Steps to Take
If your fertility journey takes you to the point of seeking out IVF, consider these suggestions:
- Advocate for Yourself
- Seek Therapy (online or in person)
- Choose a doctor that you are comfortable with.
Whatever your journey has been like, “You have found someone who understands how you feel” (p 21). If your journey to motherhood brought you here today for this article, just know you are not alone. Whether you have experienced miscarriage, infant loss, infertility or healthy pregnancies, there is community here for you.
>>>Read Jade’s book for immediate connection with someone who has been there and shares it all without sugar coating a thing. Get The Good News Is You Don’t Have Endometriosis on Amazon.<<<
>>>Read more about challenging journeys to motherhood here.<<<
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What was your journey to motherhood like? Did it involve fertility challenges? Leave a comment below with your experiences.