Making connections with other moms is not always easy. During these times, stay at home moms are rare in many neighborhoods. The cost of living is so high especially when you need all the modern stuff. But, for those of us trimming our budgets to make being at home with our children a priority, making friends with other moms can start with a simple playdate.
It can be as simple as setting up a time to get together. Drive through Starbucks and bring them a coffee while the kids play together. You and another mom can reset together.
Connection and fellowship with other moms – making mom friends – is so important!
I have had to create new friendships every time we move. Military life leads us to a new location every three years! That means I have made new friends many different times as an adult.
I have always started with a simple event to invite moms together. Hosting a playdate has been an easy way to meet moms with kids and make mom friends.
How to Host a Playdate Guide
My new ebook How to Host a Playdate was written with all of you in mind. I have received so many emails on this topic. You comment about it on social media. The topic on most moms’ minds is how to make friends.
When our focus is our family every day, we are not always in environments where we can hang out and chat to meet others in the same season of life.
It can take one simple invitation to a casual playdate to start it all.
Making mom friends is important. But, it can take time.
Included in the ebook are all the steps to take to host a simple playdate. It is the starting point. You will get simple steps to follow from planning to inviting. Free printables are included that can be customized, emailed or handed out to moms you know.
There are also tips for not getting discouraged. It can take time, but building connections and community are so worth it!
Playdates are for Moms and Kids
The beauty of a playdate is it allows moms and kids to have peer social time. Although I do not buy into the modern version of “socialization.” I think a more traditional version of socialization is lacking these days. I do think it is absolutely necessary for us as moms to connect with other moms. And, I think our kids need peers to hang out with too.
The beauty of a playdate is we control who is invited. I started one playgroup only knowing one neighbor. I share in my book How to Host a Playdate how we worked together even not knowing each other well to get a playdate started in our neighborhood.
It was such a great experience. After my second baby was born they stocked my fridge with so many meals! We each did meals trains for each other. We were each others’ support when husband’s were working and when deployments happened.
It was a dream group. It all started with a simple invitation (included in the book) that you can use to start your own playgroup. I make it easy for you with a step-by-step simple format. It is not complicated.
Mom Experiences with Playdates
Guest author Lisa Brown said it well when she shared the importance of meeting moms to build friendships in this post.
When my son was four months old I decided that I needed to get out of this rut and find some Mom Friends to hang out with. God came through for me, but I had to be willing to reach out and look up. I met a group of Moms with babies through my church. Seven years later we are all still together. Now that our children are school age we don’t meet as much as we used too. When we do meet our time is so very sweet.
I have to initiate play dates and moms’ nights out. I have to set up one on one coffee dates and Bible book studies. I don’t wait for others to set up a meeting time. I have taken it upon myself to keep us together. The wonderful thing about our group is that there are other leaders in our circle who create fun things for us to do too. We are a family of mom friends because we care about each other.
Lisa Brown
Guest author Melissa Matters shared that play groups are how she keeps stay-at-home mom boredom away.
Being a stay-at-home parent is hard work. Sometimes, being home with the kids every day, all day, can become monotonous. I want to break up the monotony so I am not a bored stay-at-home mom.
When my daughter was born, I joined a mom’s club. I met a lot of moms and made some great friends.
Melissa Matters
Plan Your Playdate Today
Perhaps God is calling you to be a leader among your friends to keep everyone in contact. Maybe God is calling you to start a group for moms. Don’t wait for someone to call you. You be the one to make the call. Take time to show someone that they matter to you.
Sometimes you just need another stay-at-home mom to connect with and share about your day!
Yes, all moms go through parenting challenges and on some level we can share and connect. To really have another mom KNOW what it is like to be at home is so helpful.
We need to connect with others who really get it, who know what it’s like staying home or focusing on the home all day every day as your job.
Get your copy of How to Host a Playdate here today! You will be one step closer to growing your mom tribe and community where you are.
