Planning for the new school year (covid or not) means balance and flexibility are the keys. These 5 tips helped me stay positive about the new school year for my kids.

As I approach the first day of school, I do not want to let fear and anxiety lead me. I am focused on a systematic approach to our school year. These 5 tips help me with planning for the year ahead-any year. Balance can still be reached when we take a smart approach to each day.

5 Tips for Planning for the New School Year

Planning for the new school year (covid or not) means balance and flexibility are the keys. These 5 tips helped me stay positive about the new school year for my kids.

Slow down and soak up the last days of summer. 

Remember how it felt when the quarantine hit last spring? At the drop of a dime this school year could get unpredictable.

Take the time to give yourself rest by just having a free, easy summer vacation – or what is rest of it- before you get started with your normal routine. These simple summer activities or cheap summer fun ideas can help.

This year will be different and the challenges can be hard. Moms can set the example.

Challenges ultimately help our kids develop tenacity, strength and perseverance. Focus on all the good that can come from us navigating all of this together as a family. We can show them positive ways to tackle each new challenge.

Be the thermostat and not the thermometer like one of my mentor’s mentioned in this post.

Plan ahead a month at a time to prevent burnout.

Doing some planning ahead allows you to set aside days where you keep the activity level low. Rest days are necessary for recharge.

I tend to make sure after a busy day I have a low-key day to keep things tidy around the house and not let things get too out of hand. It stresses me out more to have multiple days in a row of packed events. Then the house deteriorates-dishes, laundry, etc.-so I know I need to focus on balance.  A little forward planning helps a lot.

Grab these tips for feeling more productive without stressing yourself out. Every little bit counts!

Planning for the new school year (covid or not) means balance and flexibility are the keys. These 5 tips helped me stay positive about the new school year for my kids.

Meal plan, meal plan, meal plan.

This is one key to staying balanced. It is too easy to stay busy all day and then realize you have nothing planned (or defrosted) for dinner. I have done this way too many times.

I shop for groceries once a week. Using a weekly meal planning tool helps me maintain a good budget, not waste food, and always know what I am making during the course of a week. It helps everyone feel more relaxed to not have to hustle at dinner time.

Check out these quick dinner recipes and these ideas for slow cooker recipes to help.

Use simple organization ideas to help you make your home a haven.

When the kids know where their toys go, they can more easily help clean them up. They may not joyfully do this every time (my kids still give pushback at clean up time), but it helps. I also take toys away if I am the one who has to clean them up. Logical consequences…

These toy storage ideas are inexpensive.

Give your kids the chance to help.

Chores are great tools to motivate kids to help around the house. You can use super detailed systems like this chore incentive idea. You can use super simple ideas like I do with these printable chore charts for kids at Freebie Finding Mom.

My children each have a list of chores (4-5) and they do receive money each month for completing them. Some are daily chores and some are completed every other day. It just depends, but they enjoy earning money.

Chores are a great introduction to money management that is a vital lesson to teach our kids before they enter the adult world.

I followed these 5 tips last summer and felt really energized when the school year started.

We do not know what to expect during the school year ahead. With a little planning, focus on balance in our homes and in our mindset, and a flexible approach to each day, we can do this!

Each of us in our own homes can make this year a great one-no matter what the school year looks like for you.

What tips are you using as you get planning for the new school year? Any great organization or mindset tips you can share?

Planning for the new school year (covid or not) means balance and flexibility are the keys. These 5 tips helped me stay positive about the new school year for my kids.