We think that our babies are going to constantly fuel us with the energy and love of being stay-at-home moms. The transition from career woman to stay-at-home mom appears simple at first.
The desire in our heart and mind to spend all the quality time with our children is what we want to follow.
The simplicity of one focus rather than balancing work and home.
The reality is we do not take on stay-at-home mom without letting go of some part of the career driven side of ourselves.
There is definitely suggested advice for those looking to transition from career woman to stay-at-home mom. It takes some personal goals, a focus on your intentions, and a long-term mindset.
We do not invest in our families and lose in the end.
Tips to Transition from Career Woman to Stay-at-Home Mom
My friend and former Stay-at-Home Mom Survival Guide contributing writer, Kristin Helms, wrote the book on the transition from career woman to stay-at-home mom. She was working in corporate America, but did not want to sacrifice all day every day of her time with her children to continue to invest in her career.
She wanted to shift to staying at home, but the transition from Boardroom to Baby taught her some lessons.
Transition to Stay-at-Home Mom: From Boardroom to Baby
When I say she wrote the book on this subject, she literally did! From Boardroom to Baby: A Roadmap for Career Women Transitioning to Stay-at-Home Moms is genius. This type of personal growth focus for moms looking to make the most of heir time at home, is perfect for our generation.
For many of us the transition to stay-at-home mom was one we knew in our hearts and minds was going to be necessary for ourselves and our families.
Some moms wonder about their choice, though. For a long time.
I had the opportunity to interview author Kristin Helms. She shared her story of the transition from career woman to stay-at-home mom.
I love her reasons for writing From Boardroom to Baby for all the other moms out there wanting to move from full time work outside the home to full time work within their home.
Check out our interview.
Favorite Tips for Career Women Shifting to Stay-at-Home Moms
- Create a Mom Mission Statement. Living in a goals-focused way helps SAHMs stay focused on the good work they do at home each day.
- Acknowledge the stuff that is hard. Being a Stay-at-home mom seems like a dream-and it is a gift-but there are hard days too. These do not mean you are doing it wrong.
- Ignore the negative opinions of your choice. No one knows the value of being a SAHM other than fellow SAHMs. Find them, create community with them.
- Continue to explore your strengths, skills, hobbies or home-based business. You do not give up all of yourself when you focus on being a mom at home full time. You just create a new set of skills in the process. Don’t divorce yourself from your interests outside of motherhood.
For some the transition from career woman to stay-at-home mom may be simple.
For others the transition requires some personal growth and a redefined focus.
Either way, From Boardroom to Baby is full of great tips for loving the life you live as a stay-at-home mom. Grab the book here, and head to YouTube to follow my channel for more tips for Stay-at-home Moms and natural living tips.
What was your biggest struggle in the transition from career woman to stay-at-home mom? Any tips for moms just beginning their time at home?

Wow, Jaimi Erickson really knows her stuff! This article on transitioning from a career woman to a stay-at-home mom is packed with so much helpful advice and a refreshing dose of realism. The tips on self-care and finding one’s own definition of success are especially valuable, and something that all stay-at-home moms should keep in mind. Thanks, Jaimi, for putting together such an insightful and useful resource!
Thank you so much. That is high praise!
Oh my God, this is hard. I remember when i had my first child, the nurse that came to visit us after the birth in the hospital recognized me missing mu job right away. I’m a people person and i back then i was closed in an apartment with a small baby and no grownups at all. I was going crazy. My son kept me busy of course, but i needed food for my mind, not my heart only.
I went back to work part time after 7 months.
I leaned my lesson and with my second child, i got a nanny after 2 months, while i was working from home. I could see and be with my child whenever I wanted, but i also had the chance to work, cause the nanny was here to help. It is not a crime or a shame to be a boardroom mom.
Thank you for sharing your experience. I am so glad you found balance for your family.