We all know that it can be hard sometimes to sneak away and have a date with our hubbies. Add in the cost of a babysitter, food, and drinks; sometimes it’s just easier to stay home. Date night in a box eliminates all of those problems and it is fun!
I was scrolling through Facebook one night and saw an ad for a Date Night in a Box, and thought YES this is exactly what we need right now.
My husband was about to deploy and his training had already taken him away from the kids so much that he really didn’t want to miss another bedtime before he left. I needed quality time with him that was more than just watching an episode of Grey’s Anatomy. I decided to go for it and try Date Night in a Box from Night In Boxes.
You guys, it was SO MUCH FUN!
Date Night Idea In a Box
Our Date Night In Box arrived, and we waited until the weekend to open it. After putting the kids to bed we poured a few adult beverages and turned on the diffuser. (Side note: the best essential oils can make a huge difference in setting the mood…just saying.) We queued up the suggested music playlist, and ate dinner while exploring the contents of our box.
The theme of our box was “The Story of Us.” It could not have been a better fit for the night we needed to have. As I mentioned a minute ago, my husband was gearing up for a 9 month deployment, and here inside this box was a trip down memory lane of our relationship.
The first thing we did was fill out the little booklet documenting our story (how we met, things we love and admire about the other person).
Now, my husband is the furthest thing from romantic, and yet I felt SO MUCH LOVE as he gushed on me all of the reasons why I was, and still am, his person.<3<3<3
We filled out the map showing where we have already traveled together, and where we still want to go. We filled out our future plans of where we see ourselves in a few years, years down the road, and listed goals we’d like to accomplish TOGETHER.
I felt so incredibly close to him that night. We both felt as if nothing was going to get in the way of where our lives were going to go together, as a team, and as a family.
The surprise in our box was the dessert! My hubby missed Valentine’s Day, and we always celebrate with fondue. Well wouldn’t you know what we got to make together that night!
It gets even better. Did I mention my hubby isn’t romantic? Well, he turned off the playlist we had been listening to, turned on our wedding song, and spun me around our living room! I seriously melted<3<3<3
Annnnd the rest of the night is history 😉
I was clearly overly excited about how well the evening went as there had been so many emotions building up with the deployment looming overhead. That night, we were able to relax, forget about the kids, and just be “US” again.
I’d say this date night box hit that need right on the head!
The gist of how Night In Boxes works is this:
- You can choose to purchase monthly, or jump in with a 3, 6 or 12 month bundle.
- You get a box with everything you need for a special and romantic date night in.
- Each month there is a new theme.
- Inside the date night in boxes are activities for you and your spouse to do together.
- Also included is a suggested playlist and menu to pair with the activities for the evening.

Jessica is a stay at home mom of two lovely little girls. She is also a military spouse and an entrepreneur. Jessica enjoys staying active and spending time outdoors with her family, cooking, and reading. In addition, Jessica is hard at work growing her company Five O’Clock Jelly.