Welcome to Mom Motivation Mondays where weekly contributing writers share their motherhood experiences to encourage you to find the joy in being a mom.
{This week: Post by Lisa Brown}
I’ve been hit with unexpected change. My family is in a season of transition and I’m wondering what is next. It’s crazy how the things in this life come and go. My husband is unemployed and I didn’t see it coming.
Perhaps you find yourself in a place of the unknown. I’m there right now and it’s not easy. I’m excited to see what God will do and I’m anxious too.
I enjoyed having my husband work from home before he was let go from his job. We are a homeschooling family with an eight-year-old boy and seven-year-old girl. He has worked in our office basement for eight years.
He has no leads and it’s stressful to not know when he will be going back to work.
I pray that he finds something soon. I hope he can work from home.
The kids love having Daddy around. I have some personal challenges that I’m faced with and he has been an awesome helper. I don’t like change and it’s hard to imagine life differently.
I believe life changes so that we don’t become complacent. I want to grow and become a better person. I desire to experience God more. This temporary transition is good for me even though it’s hard.
We must be willing to experience loss, newness, and take risks.
Life feels so uncertain to me right now and I wish God would give me a clue to what my husband’s next job will be. I want to know so many things. It’s the unknown that makes me feel so unsettled.
Will we need to move?
What will our income be?
Will we be able to afford our hopes and dreams?
There are so many things I want to see and do. It’s frustrating to make plans when I don’t know what the future holds.
Yet my heart tells me to be anxious for nothing and not to put God in a box or put a time limit on Him. But instead, let the process of this season refresh my soul and prepare me for the next.
My message today is this:
- We serve a loving God and I’m sure that He has wonderful things headed our way.
- Sometimes God is quiet and we don’t know what He is up too.
- God doesn’t want us to panic. He is in control and in due time life will become clearer.
- He wants us to rest in Him, stay calm and trust in his perfect timing and plan.
- We can endure the unknown by trusting that new opportunities will be coming our way soon.
If you are in a season of transition and life has hit you hard, I encourage you to remember this.
Let’s be hopeful even when everything doesn’t seem to be working out. Our Heavenly Father will not leave us nor forsake us. We will find rest in His word. Peace and comfort will greet us through prayer. There are so many reasons to worship Him.
Hang in there.
God loves you and He has great plans for you and me.

Are you going through a period of change in your life right now? What can we be praying about for you?
Lisa is an aspiring writer with a mother’s passion for Homeschool Education. She has an 8 yr. old son, a 7 yr. old daughter, and has been married to her husband for 10+ yrs. Prior to marriage, she worked over 20 yrs. enriching the lives of hundreds of children and families. Lisa has a Bachelors in Social Work and Early Childhood Education. You can read more of Lisa’s posts on her blog – http://thefamilyroadmap.com/