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Spring activities for kids from toddlers, preschool, and to kindergarten age. A variety of learning activities that can be adapted easily to fit each age group.

Spring activities for toddlers, preschoolers and kindergarten kids are shared often on this blog. It is a season that has so many themes attached to it that creating learning activities for kids can be easy. I rounded up a handful of Spring activities for toddlers, preschoolers and kindergarten kids that have appeared on the blog. Depending on your child’s skill level, they may be ready for these learning games already!

Spring Activities for Toddlers, Preschoolers & Kindergarten

The activities I share here can be made with supplies purchased at the Dollar Store or in the dollar bins at your favorite discount retailer. I found many of my items on sale or while walking into Target and glancing at the Dollar Spot shelves. There are adaptations for different ages-and suggestions to help you create these activities at home with what you have, if you can’t run out and buy the specific items listed.

We have a feather counting game, dyed egg shell science exploration and process-based art activity, preschool counting with flowers and butterflies, a simple pre-cut paper color matching game and even a simple egg carton activity for practicing math facts. My children at different ages have enjoyed them all-and they last a while too so you can save them for your younger kids to use as they grow. I always keep my learning games so I can reuse them.

5 Spring Activities for Kids

Easter and Spring themed preschool counting activity using supplies from the dollar aisle to create a simple learning activity for preschool kids to learn number order and counting skills.

1) Chick Feather Counting Cups

I purchased some Easter themed paper cups in the Dollar Aisle at Target, combined them with some craft feathers, popsicle sticks and number stickers to create a counting game. This is a simple, but fun way to add a Spring or Easter themed counting activity to your preschool lessons.


Dyed egg shells science and art process-based activity for preschool and toddlers.

2) Colored Egg Shell Science and Art

A friend sent me this link for an egg shell sensory activity a few months back. I decided to try a similar idea, but add some art and science to the experience as well.

After cracking open eggs for breakfast, or after peeling your hard boiled eggs, save the shells. Try out this Easter egg dyed egg shells process-based science and art activity that works well for older toddlers and preschool kids.


A fun Spring preschool activity for learning to count! Flowers and butterflies preschool counting activity that is so simple to create with some store-bought help.

3) Flowers and Butterflies Counting

Michael’s had a 50% off sale on pretty much everything in the store. (Woo hoo!) So, I grabbed a few extra things because I knew I could create some learning games for my daughter from the items. This is a simple one to DIY with items you already have at home too.


4) Flowers and Butterflies Color Match

The same flower cutouts from above came in a multi-color pack. A color match was on my mind since I also found paper butterfly cutouts in the same color scheme.

I took one of each color of the flower cutouts and butterfly cutouts. On the flowers I drew a circle in the center of each (just to add some detail) and I also wrote the color word on each flower. This way we could see that the red flower said “red” and I could engage my preschooler with the activity as well-and add some literacy exposure for my toddler too.

I laminated the flowers and butterflies, then we matched them. Simple. I am going to put them up on the wall in our “playroom” area so they are accessible for the season. I will add some stems and leaves cut from construction paper below the flowers and we can talk about the parts of a flower.



5) Cupcake Topper Math Facts

I found little spring flower themed cupcake toppers in the wonderful Target Dollar aisle, and created a math game. I decided that I just can’t get enough games made from egg cartons, so we needed another one. You an adapt it to be a number matching game, or make the equations as challenging as your child can handle.

Spring activities for kids from toddlers, preschool, and to kindergarten age. A variety of learning activities that can be adapted easily to fit each age group.

A few more Spring Activities for kids:

St Patrick’s Day Book and Activities for Kids

Easter Egg Alphabet Order

Plastic Easter Egg Printable Spelling Game


Has Spring started showing up in your area yet?