7 learning activities with cardboard tube apple trees that cover all ages from toddlers to school age kids.

It can be tough to combine learning activities for multiple ages of children. As a mom of 4 where my kids ages spans from kindergarten to infants, we have to get creative to make learning time successful. You can make seven learning activities with cardboard tube apple trees. From shapes to basic math, this Fall themed kids activity grows with your child.

Learning activities with cardboard tube apple trees can be adapted to toddlers, preschoolers, and early elementary aged kids.

Creating the apple trees is an art activity. Simple learning games make these little trees a great prop for learning and play. My older two children each spent time on their specific activity using these cardboard tube apple trees. Then, for extra fun, we stored the trees near the little people and animals. My kids had so much fun setting up their little apple tree grove for their toys to roam around during pretend play.

Whether your child is working on shapes, basic math, number recognition, or reading skills, this learning activity collection has you covered.

I shared my 7 learning activities with cardboard tube apple trees-for toddlers, preschoolers and early elementary kids-over at B-Inspired Mama. Contributing to such a fun blog that helps moms and teachers is a great blessing. I hope you will pop over there to Krissy’s blog and then stop back here to let me know which activity you like best.

Do you have other ideas for activities that could be used with these cardboard trees? 

7 activities for learning shapes, numbers, letters and math that use simple cardboard tube apple trees made by your child. There are activities for toddlers, preschoolers and even school age kids. Created and shared by The Stay-at-Home-Mom Survival Guide.

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