Autumn songs for infants, toddlers and preschoolers from The Stay-at-Home-Mom Survival Guide

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Children learn so much from singing songs and saying chants. I created a songs and chants resource binder to store away all the little songs I used while teaching so I could reference them during each season or unit of study. Here I have a few new autumn or fall songs for kids to fit perfectly with this time of year. Included are pictures of a few felt board activities that are so simple to help toddlers and preschoolers learn the counting objectives in each autumn song.


Fall leaves felt board activity for kids


Four Fall Leaves
(Sung to the tune of “This Old Man”)
Four fall leaves up in the tree,
Two for you and two for me.
The wind will blow. Watch them fall.
One, two, three, four-fall to the ground.
(As you count with the last line of this song, pull a leaf off of the board and let it fall so when you say “fall to the ground,” all the leaves are on the ground.)

Counting pumpkins activity for kids on the felt board

Counting Pumpkins (or Fall Leaves)

(Sung to the tune of “Did You Ever See a Lassie?”)
Look at my [ten] pumpkins,
[Ten] pumpkins, [ten] pumpkins,
Look at my [ten] pumpkins,

Oops, one rolls away!Pull one pumpkin off the board, count the rest, and sing again.

*If not using the felt board, hold up all ten fingers and wiggle as you sing. Put one finger down when one rolls away, then count how many fingers are left and sing replacing that number.
**If using the felt board, you can use pumpkin cutouts or leaf cutouts replacing the words accordingly.


Five Little Pumpkins

Five little pumpkins in a country store.
One rolled away and then there were four.
Four little pumpkins growing near a tree.
One rolled away and then there were three.
Three little pumpkins sitting next to you.
One rolled away and then there were two.
Two little pumpkins outside in the sun.
One rolled away and then there was one.
One little pumpkin who felt all alone.
He rolled away and then there were none.


Fall Leaves Falling
(Sung to the tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”)
(Reach up with both hands to the sky and wave arms slowly)
Fall leaves falling all around
Fall leaves red and fall leaves brown.
(Point to head and toes)
Fall leaves on my head and toes.
(Reach with one arm up)
Reach for a leaf.
(Bring arm down and point to ground)
Down it goes.
(Reach up with both hands and wave arms)
Fall leaves falling all around.
(Slowly bring arms down and sit body on the ground or crouch down)
Fall leaves falling to the ground.
*This is a great song to do before a reading time or quiet time.


This is how I display our fridge felt board as an invitation to play in our kitchen. It utilizes the front of the fridge and allows my toddler to be with me but entertained while I am cooking-when I have to do part of the prep on my own.

For all of these activities with the felt board, I modified simple foam shapes I found in the dollar aisle at Target. I placed a piece of hook side velcro tape on the back of each leaf and pumpkin and then they stick very well to the felt. If you do not want to purchase foam, use construction paper or scrap fabric to make your leaves and pumpkins.


Coupons from craft stores like Michael’s are available from


Here is a huge list of Harvest songs for kids.
Let’s Play Music has an original Autumn poem set to a familiar children’s tune to check out as well. At the end of their post are even more links to Autumn songs!


4 Autumn Songs and Chants for infants, toddlers and preschool. Songs with a Fall theme and accompanying felt board activities.
The Stay-at-Home-Mom Survival Guide
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